Abstract: The passive sentence is a grammatical structure widely used in the English language. However, how to translate the English passive sentences becomes a problem which involves much a complicated process. The thesis discusses in detail the theoretical basis of the passive sentences, which are used in English and Chinese languages and the comparison of differences between them. Besides, the thesis elaborates the translation strategies of how to deal with the English passive sentences through a large number of instances.
Key words: the passive sentences; the theoretical basis; the translation strategies
摘 要:被动句是英语语言中广泛使用的一种语法结构形式。而如何翻译英语被 动句,这也就成了译者在翻译实践过程经常遇到的一个看似简单,实而复杂的问题。本文详细探讨了被动句在英汉两种语言中使用的理论依据和它们在各自语言中的差异对比,并通过大量实例具体阐述如何处理英语被动句的翻译策略。