Abstract:Shakespeare’s drama is viewed as the pinnacle of the literary History. His dramatic language is rich and colorful especially the usage of lot of rhetoric. Rhetoric is the art and study of the use of language with persuasive effect. And there are many kinds of rhetoric, such as simile, contrast, puns, metaphors, contradictions and synecdoche. They interact with each other and make characters vivid. The language in Hamlet is full of rhetoric. A variety of rhetorical devices make the work mixed with individuality as well as the characteristics. This is the concrete manifestation of Shakespeare's language skill. The author has analyzed the simile, contrast and wordplay in Hamlet to contribute to a deeper understanding of Shakespeare's writing features. Meanwhile there will be a list of examples of the three rhetoric for a detailed analysis. In addition, revenge and comedy elements throughout the entirety,as a kind of assistance also make the rhetoric more outstanding in the content.
Key words:Rhetoric, revenge,comedy,Hamlet,Shakespeare
摘要:莎士比亚戏剧是文学史上的巅峰。他的戏剧语言丰富多彩,尤其是在他的戏剧中运用了大量的修辞,修辞是语言使用的感染力的艺术与研究。修辞又分为很多种类。明喻,烘托,双关,隐喻,矛盾,提喻,等多种修辞相互交融,把人物形象表达的淋漓尽致。《哈姆雷特》 使用的描述语言丰富而生动 , 运用了大量的修辞手法 , 各种修辞手法使得该部戏剧作品变得交融而有个性 , 人物形象表达也恰到好处 这就是莎士比亚语言功力的具体表现。本文主要探究了几种修辞方法,分析了明喻,烘托,双关,等多个修辞方法在《哈姆雷特》中的运用,分别举出这三种修辞手法在文中的例子来逐个解析,从而有助于大家更深地理解莎士比亚的写作特点。另外复仇和喜剧因素贯穿着全文,从修辞角度看,这两个因素与修辞相辅相成,紧密的结合在一起,更突出了修辞手法在内容上的点睛之用。