Abstract:Thoreau’s understanding of simplicity is unprecedented in American literature. He had accepted Emerson’s transcendental and philosophical thinking, living at Walden Pond in Concord for two years and wrote down his masterpiece Walden, which reveals his love for nature. This article interprets Thoreau’s transcendental idea of pursuing simplicity and its significance. He advocated that people should recover their original simplicity and seek the real significance of life in the natural world. Firstly, it includes a brief account of Thoreau’s life and the relationship between him and transcendentalism. Secondly, it explains his pursuit of returning to people’s original nature. He urged a particular course of being a husbandman, and living in the simple cabin that was built by himself. Thirdly, the generous animals, which were pleasing to look at or listen to, along with the clear ice that we could see to the bottom, all had become a symbol of drawing back from the disputes and vexations of human society, and closer intimacy with Mother Nature. Thereupon, people could seek the real significance of life in the natural world, which was another type of pursuing simplicity. Finally, from what we have discussed above, we could get conclusion that to Thoreau’s mind, to live in harmony with nature and pursue simplicity are the ultimate aim.
Key Words: Thoreau, Transcendentalism, Simplicity
摘 要:梭罗对简单的独特理解在美国文学史上是前所未有的。他接受爱默生的超验主义哲学思想并身体力行独自在新英格兰家乡的瓦尔登湖边生活了两年。他详细记录了自己在湖边的生活,讴歌自然的美好,并且创作出了出色的文学作品—《瓦尔登湖》。通过细读文本并挖掘其中的深刻内涵,我们可以深刻地体会到梭罗追求简单的超验主义思想和其所表达的意义。他呼吁人们反璞归真,到大自然中去寻求生命的真正意义。主要内容首先包括对梭罗生平事迹的介绍以及他和超验主义思想之间的联系。其次,通过分析他居住于自己亲手建造的简陋小木屋以及他身体力行地努力地成为一名农夫,来阐明他追求返璞归真的质朴生活状态,从而追求一种简单。更进一步,梭罗天天朝夕相处的动物以及可以清澈看见水底的自然现象,冰,象征着梭罗远离人世间的纠纷和烦恼,亲近自然。他要在大自然中去寻求他生命的真正意义,这又是另外一种追求简单的形式。通过以上的分析,我们可以得出概括性结论,那就是人应该追求简单,和自然和谐相处。