Abstract:Temporary agency work means the temporary work agency employs a worker and signs a labour contract with the worker, then dispatches the worker to one user company through an agreement which is made between the agency and user company. It is one of the newest forms of employment and has been growing fast in the modern China. Temporary agency work has the great potential and promising prospect because of some distinctive features in China’s market economy, such as the cheap labor forces and the grim employment situation. But there are still many problems in implementation, such as the lack of relevant legislation. This dissertation will make an analysis of the prospect of temporary agency work in China according to its characteristic features and China’s market.
Key words: temporary agency work; prospects; challenge; measure
摘 要:劳务派遣制度是指劳务派遣单位招收劳动者并与之订立劳动合同,再将劳动者派遣到用工单位。劳务派遣制度作为一种新的雇佣制度,在现代中国市劳务市场发展较快。鉴于中国经济市场特有的现象,如大量廉价劳动力和严峻的就业形势,劳务派遣在中国劳务市场上有较大的潜力和发展前景。但其在运行中仍存在一些问题,如相关立法问题。本论题将结合劳务派遣制度的特点和中国市场特点对劳务派遣制度在中国的发展前景进行分析。