Abstract:This paper analyzes the humorous effects of some sections in Joe Wong’s speech based on the cooperation principles proposed by Herbert Paul Grice. The cooperative principle includes four maxims: Quantity, Quality, Relation, and Manner, which can be used to explain why and how our daily conversations can go on smoothly. However, sometimes, in some conversations those maxims are violated so as to achieve certain purposes, such as to create a humorous effect. With the specific analysis of some utterances from Joe’s speech, this paper shows that some humorous effects achieved in this speech can be explained from the perspective of the violation of the cooperative principle.
Key words:violation, cooperative principle, Joe Wong’s speech
摘 要:本文以格莱斯的合作原则为基础,以黄西演讲材料为文本来分析幽默的产生的。合作原则包含四个方面:数量准则,质量准则,关系原则以及方式原则。这些原则可以解释为什么我们能够自然地对话。但是有的时候,人们会违反这些原则以达到某种目的,比如制造幽默。通过对黄西演讲语料的剖析,从语言学的角度显示了演讲中的幽默是违反了合作原则产生的。
关键词:违反, 合作原则, 黄西演讲