Abstract:The Joy Luck Club is the first novel of Amy Tan,a famous Chinese-American writer. In the novel she mainly describes the relationship between the Joy Luck Club mothers and their daughters and cultural conflicts, even self-puzzle. The novel is used a special way- storytelling-- to convey the information. The paper will analyze the importance of searching cultural identity from four aspects. It does not only resonate with ethnic Chinese lived in same backgrounds, but also attempt to teach inferiors some lessons which are worth learning. The first part reveals the cultural identity by seeking to solve the conflict between mother and daughter. The second part shows that cultural identity helps to heal the confusion at the bottom of the hearts. The third part of the interpretation of cultural identity by exploring reflects the ethnic groups living state and suggest they should adapt dilemma. And the purpose of the fourth part is telling people to hold a positive attitude toward culture.
In childhood, daughters try to exclude their inevitability Chinese genes, then after they growing up, they starts to recognize their incomplete identity, at the end, they attempt to face and accept their Chinese characteristics. It does not only give ethnic groups who are still confused some enlightenment, and also offer a few suggestions to other ethnic groups.
Key words: Daughters, the importance of cultural identity, solving conflicts; eliminating confusion; adapting dilemma; holding a positive attitude