Abstract:This paper discusses the unification between form and content of translating Chinese poems Chunwang into English. It puts forward differences of methods of translation between Chinese and English. According to principles and standards of translating, and some problems in poetry translating, it analyzes profoundly different styles translations by internal and external translators, points out their imperfections and perfections, and points out the reasons of imperfections and perfections. During translating poems, we should attach importance to Qian Zhongshu's theory of sublimed adaptation and Fu Lei's theory of spiritual conformity. Besides, it is important to consider cultures and traditions of target language country. Trough analyzing and comparing these translations, we can draw a conclusion that only content and form are unified skillfully, is it a good translation.
Key words: poetry translation; unification; form; content; rhyme; rhythm
摘 要:该篇论文通过对唐诗《春望》不同英译版本的分析与对比,深刻地讨论了诗歌翻译中形式与内容必须统一的重要性。要达此目的,在翻译过程中必须灵活地运用诗歌的各种翻译方法,不能活搬硬套。把傅雷的神似以及钱钟书的化境作为理论的依据。除此之外,还要充分考虑译入语读者的文化背景和文化传统,避免产生误解和歧义,而达不到翻译传文达意的预期效果。从分析中我们能得出结论不能只注重形式或只注重内容,必须达到两者的统一。
关键词: 诗歌翻译;统一;内容;形式;节奏;押韵