ABSTRACT:With the furtherance of the opening up and reformation, China has more consanguineous contract with the outside world. English has become not only the tool of communication, but also the way to enhance the international competition of the country. On the other hand, English is used widely in international communication, and has become the universal language in the world.
English education is one of the most important content of present international education. It is also the key factor of concerning and restricting the level of international education. American government, professional education research institutes and social groups have placed much attention on English education, and gained the successful experiment. Although English education is just one kind of foreign language educations in China, rather than using mother tongue or not mother tongue in America English education, it is urgent to find a better approach to improve English teaching methods. Researching and comparing with English education in the United States to find a suitable path of China's English education can promote our country's English education reform, and improve the level and the quality of English education in our country, promoting the development of English education. Therefore our country can better integrate into world culture.
My paper focuses on the English education in China, and the following four aspects are to be discussed:
1. The history and development of English education in China.
1.1 A brief account of the history of English education in China.
1.2 The present condition of English education in China.
2. The main problems of English education in China in my point of view.
2.1 The “English-study Rush” and Chinese people overestimate the value of English to people and the country.
2.2 The disadvantages of present English teaching
2.3 High cost but low benefit of English education effect.
3. The difference of English education pattern between China and America
3.1 English education pattern in China: focus on grammar while paying less attention on English listening and speaking skills, forming the “Dumb English”.
3.2 English education pattern in America: pay attention to English listening and speaking skills, cultivating English language atmosphere.
3.3 The reasons for difference English education pattern between China and America
3.4 Some suggestions on English teaching in China
4. My suggestions on suitable way to English education in China
4.1 Analysis of the correct steps of learning foreign language on the basic of the theory of how babies learn a new language
4.2 Confirm the correct pattern of English education: change the direction of “writing-reading-speaking-listening” to “listening-speaking-reading-writing”
4.3 Chinese English education should be linked with the situation of the country
Keywords: Present condition of English education English study rush Traditional way of teaching English English teaching patterns Dumb English