Abstract:Gothic fictions always create a horrible atmosphere by house events, ominous things and despot figures; and then to explore the deep meanings in the real life, for instance, to uncover the evil reality, to analyze humanity, etc. Allen Poe’s story The Black Cat mainly told the horrible events happened between a despot and a black cat. Allen Poe was successful to figure out that the rational origin was from the soul. The most typical Gothic features in The Black Cat were to create a horrible atmosphere by a series of ominous events; otherwise, the Gothic style factors revenge and curse also used in the story very successfully. The thesis mainly analyzes the Gothic features in this story The Black Cat; it analyzes the Gothic style through the black cat description, the mental activity of the protagonist and the arrangement of the plots.
Keywords: Gothic features; Black cat; Horrible; Humanity
中文摘要:哥特式小说主要是通过老旧的城堡、房子,不吉祥的象征物或是暴君的人物形象去营造一种恐怖的氛围; 进而揭示恐怖事件之下深层的现实含义,如对黑暗现实的揭露,对人性的解析等等。艾伦·坡小说《黑猫》主要讲述了一个暴力狂和黑猫之间发生的种种恐怖事件,艾伦·坡在故事中成功地发掘了恐怖的合理源头是来自于心灵恐怖。《黑猫》中最典型的哥特式风格是利用一系列有预兆的不详事件去凸显恐怖气氛;以及哥特式小说中常用的诅咒和报应元素也被运用得恰到好处。本文主要分析了哥特式的主要风格在艾伦·坡小说《黑猫》中的体现; 文章从作者对黑猫的象征、寓意,主人公的行为和心理描写以及故事情节安排这几个主要方面分析了小说的哥特式特征。