Abstract:Some enterprises' behavior has transgressed the marketing ethics of the social conduct, which has led to concern of all circles about the corporate social responsibility and marketing ethics in society. This paper analyzes the current market economy that faces a series of problems of moral bankruptcy in the process of development, and at the same time the fact that more and more consumers direct their attention to the implementing of corporate social responsibility. This paper expounds the lack of marketing ethics behavior, analyzes the doctrine of users’ supremacy and environmentalism, and proposes a viewpoint that enterprises should convert corporate social responsibility into the competitiveness of enterprises in the process of implementing corporate social responsibility governed by marketing ethics.
Key wards: marketing ethics; corporate social responsibility; competitiveness of enterprises
摘 要:一些企业出现了违反营销道德标准的行为,引起了社会各界对营销道德和企业履行社会责任的关注。本文分析了当今市场经济在发展过程中所面临的一系列道德沦丧的问题,而消费越来越注重企业社会责任的履行。本文阐述了企业营销道德缺失的表现,分析用户至上主义和环境保护主义运动,提出营销道德规范下企业社会责任的履行关键是把企业社会责任转化为企业竞争力。
关键词: 营销道德;企业社会责任;企业竞争力