ABSTRACT:The Bonesetter’s Daughter is one of the representative works of Amy Tan which describes the complex relationships between mother and daughter in a migration family. The thesis depicts Ruth’s awakening process and the elements which trigger her awakening, revealing that self-identity is the primary prescription for the self-confused in the melting pot about their “roots”, to arouse the Asian migration’s awareness of identity and rights in the melting- pot countries and to reconstruct their identity. The aim is to appeal the daughters like Ruth in the Book to respect and understand their parents who may act autocratically due to the traditional Education they received, and to encourage the parents like Lu Ling in The Bonesetter’s Daughter to open their heart to accept the affluence of times to their children.
Key Words: Amy Tan; Wakening; Identity Reconstruction
摘 要:接骨师之女是华裔作家谭恩美的又一部巨作,主要描写华裔移民家庭中的母女感情纠葛,本文描述露丝的觉醒过程,及促使她觉醒的因素, 揭示自我身份的认知是解读自己身份疑团的重要因素。唤醒生活在大熔炉国家中华裔的身份和权利意识,促使他们进行身份重建,呼吁像书中露丝一样的女儿尊重和理解他们由于传统教育而行为专断的父母,鼓励像如灵一样的父母敞开心胸接受时代对子女的影响。