ABSTRACT:Feminine consciousness is unique to women. It is different from the male view and thinking to the objective .They against dependent on men. In the male works, it not only can research the feminine images in male’s mind, but also understand the process of male writers’ acquaintance and expression to feminine consciousness. E · M · Forster is such a writer. He is one of the outstanding novelists during the 20th century. A Room with a View is one of his novels which set in Italy. Forster often compares the life of the middle class in Britain to Italian life. He thinks that Italy’s landscape and people can help British people reduce prejudice, understand themselves and less restrict in spirit by the traditional ideas, so that they can live a free and happy life. Through an analysis of characters in A Room with a View, this paper will study on how women get true love and freedom by realizing feminine consciousness in E.M. Forster’ works.
Key words: E. M. Forster; A Room with a View; Feminine consciousness
摘 要:女性意识是女性所特有的,区别于男性对客观世界的看法和思考。她们反对一味地依附男性。在男作家文本中不仅可以研究男性心中的女性形象,而且可以梳理男性作家对女性意识的认识和表达进程。E.M.福斯特就是这样的一个作家。《看得见风景的房间》是他的一部意大利小说,福斯特经常将英国中产阶级的生活和意大利人的生活作比较,他觉得意大利的风景和人物有助于英国人减少偏见,认识自己,在精神上少受到传统观念的束缚,从而生活得自由快乐。本文通过对《看得见风景的房间》中人物性格的分析,来研究福斯特笔下的女性是如何运用女性意识的觉醒来获得真爱和自由。