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  • 更新时间:2014-07-22
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Abstract:Culture is the result of human history and living surroundings. It embodies the society mind of a nation or an ethnic, the features of sorts of culture and customs. Different cultural surroundings and traditions caused highly differences in thoughts, values, behavior style and life between the West and the East. Language is the important element of culture. It shows the developments and changes of culture, meanwhile, it also directly shows the differences between cultures.

Key words: difference; culture; Chinese; West


中文摘要:文化是人们历史和居住环境的产物。它象征一个国家或者一个种族的智慧,有着特有的、各种各样的文明和风俗习惯。不同的文化环境和传统导致人们思想、价值观、各种行为习惯和中西方生活习惯不同。语言是文化的重要因素,它展示了 文化的发展和变化。同时,它也直接表现出文化的差异。


