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  • 更新时间:2014-07-22
  • 论文字数:6294
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Abstract:Nowadays, international competition is becoming fierce. However, competition among countries, in fact, is the competition of talent qualities and talent training. Fundamentally the competition of the talent is the competition of family and school education. Therefore, the significance and importance of family and school education can never be overemphasized. Family and school education in China has received general concerns from the public, especially from the educational circles. Surveys revealing the inappropriateness of family and school education methods appear frequently. It is helpful to refer to the experience of other countries ,especially, the experience of American family and school education. In this thesis, we study and compare the views of Chinese and American parents and schools to make clear what children or students should achieve through family and school education, and furthermore assess cross-cultural differences in family and school education from collectivist and individualist cultures.

Key words:different culture; school education; family education; China; America; similarities; differences


中文摘要:在现代社会中,国际竞争日益激烈,而这种竞争归根到底是人的素质的竞争,是人才培养的竞争。我们知道,人才培养的首要阵地是家庭和学校,因此,从某种意义上说,人才的竞争是父母育儿能力和学校培养学生能力的竞争。所以,它的意义和重要性,不管怎样强调,也不算过分。虽然家庭教育和学校教育在我国已经引起了社会各界,特别是教育界的极大关注。 中国家庭教育方式和学校教育方式存在问题,这种调查报告几乎很常见因此,借鉴其他国家,尤其是美国在家庭教育和学校教育中有价值的实践对我们十分有帮助。本文试图通过研究和比较中美两国在实施家庭教育和学校教育过程中,他们的孩子或者学生应该获取什么,进而分析集体主义和个人主义文化背景下家庭教育所体现的文化差异。

关键词:文化差异; 学校教育; 家庭教育; 中国; 美国; 相同点;差异

