ABSTRACT:“The magnificent and grand sight of the iceberg movement is because that it, only has one eighth on the surface of water.” This iceberg theory, which Hemingway propounded and employed in his literary works, interests many readers and critics in the world. The Old Man and the Sea was the last major work of fiction produced by Hemingway and published in his lifetime, and the success of this novella catapulted Hemingway to the pinnacle of his career. It centers upon an old Cuban fisherman Santiago who struggles with a giant marlin far out in the Gulf Stream. This essay aims to explore and analyze the distinctive writing style which Hemingway adopted in writing through The Old Man and the Sea, and attempts to comprehend the implicit meaning of the seven eighths of the iceberg.
Keywords: Hemingway; iceberg theory; writing style; The Old Man and the Sea
摘 要:“冰山在海里移动很是雄伟壮观,这是因为它只有八分之一露在水面上。”这个由海明威提出的有关文学创作的“冰山”理论吸引了世界上许多读者和评论家。《老人与海》是海明威有生之年所创作并出版的最后一部主要的文学作品,这部中篇小说的成功把他推向了事业的顶峰。该小说着重描写了古巴老渔民圣地亚哥在墨西哥湾中与一条巨大的马林鱼激烈斗争的过程。本文意欲通过《老人与海》为例,探讨及分析海明威这一独特的写作风格,并尝试领会冰山下八分之七的蕴意。
关键词: 海明威;“冰山”理论;写作风格;老人与海