ABSTRACT:Functional equivalence theory was advanced by Eugene. A. Nida, an American structuralism linguist. The so-called "functional equivalence" is that, the translation is not get literal equivalence rigidly, but achieve functional equivalence between the two languages. This point accords with the features of menu translation, which bears functions of offering information, stirring appetite and disseminating culture. However, the translation of the Chinese cuisine name is multifarious on account of shortage of guiding theory and integrated criterion on menu translation nowadays and even leads to “international joke”. Menu translation is different with others, it focuses on readers’ responds and feeling, and this point just coincides with Nida’s functional equivalence theory. In light of the features and functions of the Chinese cuisine name, Functional Equivalence Theory is the most appropriate one to apply. This paper aims to discuss the features of the Chinese Cuisine Name and how to use Nida’s functional equivalence theory to translate it.
Key Words Menu Translation; Features; Functional Equivalence Theory
摘 要:功能对等理论由美国著名的结构主义语言学家尤金·A·奈达提出。所谓“功能对等”,就是说翻译时不求文字表面的死板对应,而要在两种语言间达成功能上的对等。这一点正符合具有传递信息,引起食欲以及传播文化功能的菜名的翻译特色。但是,由于缺乏理论的指导和统一标准的规范,菜名的翻译五花八门,甚至闹出了“国际笑话”。菜名翻译不同于其他翻译,注重的是读者的反应和感受,这一点和奈达的功能对等理论相吻合。鉴于中文菜单的特点及功能,奈达的功能对等理论是最适于菜单翻译的。本文旨在根据中国菜名的特点,讨论奈达的功能对等理论在中文菜单英译中的适用性。
关键词 菜单翻译;特征;功能对等理论