ABSTRACT:Since globalization and transnational flow of information have created a new communication environment, multicultural communication becomes one of the keywords of the global age. Differences in cultural beliefs and values inevitably increase the potential for conflicts. M. Butterfly premiered successfully on Broadway on March 20, 1988, at the Eugene O’Neill Theater, and its author David Henry Hwang became the first Asian-American dramatist to earn the coveted Tony Award. David Henry Hwang incorporates the plot of Puccini’s famous opera Madame Butterfly into this play. M. Butterfly is a counter play, tries to deconstruct the cultural image of Madame Butterfly by reversing the gender and the role, and thus subverts the Western stereotype of the Oriental female and the traditional relationship between the East and the West. From the perspective of multicultural communication, this paper tries to call for breaking the ideological mode of dualistic antagonism, enhancing intercultural sensitivity, decreasing cultural conflicts, achieving a multicultural mindset, and finally establishing a culture of peace and a harmonious world after deconstructing M. Butterfly.
Key words: Orientalism; Deconstruction; Stereotype; Subversion; Multicultural communication
摘 要:全球化和信息的跨国流动创造了一种新的交流环境,多元文化交流成为全球化时代的一个主流词。不同的文化信仰和价值观念会不可避免地增加发生冲突的可能性。1988年3月20日,歌剧《蝴蝶君》在纽约百老汇的尤金·奥尼尔剧院首次演出成功,其作者黄哲伦成为首位获得托尼奖的亚裔美国剧作家。黄哲伦在《蝴蝶君》中融入了普契尼著名歌剧《蝴蝶夫人》的剧情。《蝴蝶君》是对《蝴蝶夫人》的颠覆,意在通过性别倒置和角色倒置来解构《蝴蝶夫人》中的文化形象,从而成功地瓦解了西方对东方女性的刻板印象,颠覆了原有的东西方权力关系。通过对《蝴蝶君》的分析与解读,本文立足于多元文化交流的视角,呼吁打破东西方对立的二元思维模式,增强文化间的敏感性,减少文化冲突,形成多元文化交流观念,最终建立和平文化、和谐世界。
关键词:东方主义; 解构; 刻板印象; 颠覆; 多元文化交流