Abstract: The Sound and the Fury, William Faulkner’s masterpiece as well as his favorite work, depicts a story about the downfall of the Compsons, a southern aristocratic family. Structurally, the novel falls into four parts narrated by four characters with Benjy, the idiot son of the Compsons being the first narrator. This paper has divided those around Benjy into two groups: one group giving Benjy love and care represented by Caddy and Dilsey, the other bringing indifference and misery to Benjy represented by Mrs. Compson and Jack. By analyzing the two groups’ contrasting treatment of Benjy and the latter’s consequent responses, this paper concludes that Benjy actually works like a prism, through which good and evil in humanity are clearly reflected.
Key words: The Sound and the Fury, Benjy, prism, good, evil