Abstract: Language is the carrier of culture, which is created in the living of human beings’ and serves as a tool of communication. Linguistic taboo is a part of language, and it is a special kind of language. It exists more or less in our daily life, and sets up a barrier for communicative activities, especially for intercultural communication. In this article, the author analyzes the similarities and differences of English and Chinese linguistic taboos, to help readers to enhance cultural consciousness, and to help them lay a solid foundation for English learning and communication.
Key Words: Communication barrier; Linguistic Taboos; Similarities; Differences
摘要: 语言是文化的载体,它是在人类生产劳动中创造出来的,作为交流中传递信息的工具。禁忌语存在于我们的日常生活中,给我们日常生活中的交流带来了一些问题,尤其是在跨文化交流中。本论文着重研究禁忌语的异同性,旨在提高英语学习者在跨文化交流中的能力。
关键词: 交流障碍;语言禁忌;相同点;不同点