Abstract:With more and more frequent communication of politics and economy between China and English-speaking countries, the interaction between cultures draws greater attention than ever before, especially in the form of film. Film narrates culture and film title reflects culture. And translating foreign films has become a significant activity in promoting cross-cultural exchange, cultural factors play a very important role in the process of translation. Due to cultural differences between Chinese and English, translation not only has to consider the original meaning, the original contents of film, but also to consider the cultural factors, then translated into the target language. Although there are numbers of articles dealing with the translation of literary works or scientific literature, few essays are concerned with the translation of films titles. This paper adopts a cultural perspective from Bassnett,Susan’s theory to explore film titles, analyzing the cultural factors reflected in film titles. This paper intends to make an analysis of English-Chinese translation of film title through the perspective of cultural translation theory with cases study of Oscar feature films (1990~2010).Then this paper suggests a solution to provide a brand new angle for the translation study.
Key words: English film titles; cultural factors; translation
摘 要:随着世界政治经济文化跨国度交流的日益频繁,以电影为载体的文化交流日益引起人们的重视。电影阐述文化,片名折射文化。英文电影的翻译是促进文化交流的重要活动,在翻译过程中文化因素扮演着非常重要的角色。由于中外文化差异,译者不仅要考虑电影的内容,还要考虑电影蕴含的文化信息。虽然学界已有一些文学作品与科学文献的翻译,但却少有关于电影翻译的,更别说电影片名的翻译。本文引入了英国翻译学家苏珊.巴斯奈特的文化翻译观理论,从文化的角度分析电影片名,文化因素在电影片名中的体现。故本文试图从文化翻译视角对片名的汉译进行分析,以1990~2010的奥斯卡故事片汉译为例子,以期为后续片名的翻译研究提供一个新的视角。