Abstract:This paper will focus on the conflict between the immigrant mothers and their American-born daughters. Their relationship is very delicate and complicated. The reason of their conflict is that the education concept between the east and the west has a great difference. The author was using many words to describe the conflict of those mothers and daughters; in fact she was showing the conflict of the different education concept between the east and the west. The paper will open out this enormous difference by analyze the conflict of these mothers and daughters, and to draw lessons from it for the progress of the Chinese education system. The paper will elaborate its questions as follows: what kinds of conflicts these mothers and their daughters have? Why there are always some conflicts between them?
Key words: conflicts differences
摘 要:本论文将描述中国移民的母亲与在西方出生长大的女儿之间由于教育文化冲突而引起的充满冲突的,微妙而又复杂的关系。母女的冲突只是冲突的表层现象,这种冲突实质上是东西方家庭教育观念上的冲突。文章将通过分析母女之间的关系来揭示在母女冲突背后隐藏的东西方教育的巨大差异。并且希望阐述的东西方教育差异对完善中国的教育体系有借鉴意义。文章将就一下几个问题展开论述:母女之间存在怎样的冲突?为何会出现这种冲突?通过分析表层的冲突,反应实质上的教育观念的差异。
关键词:冲突 差异