Abstract:Polysemy is a universal feature of all languages, including the English language. It causes a great deal of trouble to the English learners. This thesis focuses on the definition of polysemy, and the relationship of each item in polysemic words, i.e. “concatenation” and “radiation”. When translating English into Chinese, we should get the exact meanings of the polysemic words according to their context, thereby eliminating words’ ambiguity and making their meaning specific.
Key words: polysemy; context; connotation
摘要:一词多义是语言的普遍现象, 它给学生学习英语带来了很多困难, 对准确理解句义形成了很大障碍. 本文从多义词的定义,各义项之间存在的“连锁连接”和“辐射”两种关系进行阐述。 在英译汉中,利用语境消除多义词在使用过程中产生的歧义,使语义具体化。