Abstract: Gulliver's Travels is a peak of Utopian literature in the eighteenth century. Swift uses the popular genre of travel writing to introduce four countries (Lilliput, Brobdingnag, Laputa and Houyhnhnms) which reflects the political and social situations in Europe at that time.The paper explores the theme of utopia in Gulliver’s Travels from the following two perspectives: the transcendence and reconstruction of reality. The paper arrives at the conclusion that Swift gives a description of the political and educational situations in the Houyhnhnms to express his idea of the transcendence of reality, and uses the form of ideal country for the reconstruction of reality.
Key words: Utopia; Transcendence; Reconstruction
摘要:《格列佛游记》是十八世纪乌托邦文学的一座高峰,作者斯威夫特以当时流行的旅行记体裁记述了四个国度(小人国、大人国、勒皮它岛、慧骃国).本文主要通过对现实的超越与重建两个角度探讨了乔纳森·斯威夫特的 《格列佛游记》中的乌托邦主题。反映出作者斯威夫特在其作品中折射出当时欧洲的政治与社会状况,通过斯威夫特对慧骃国的政治和教育的描写表现了对乌托邦的超越,并且用理想国的形式对现实社会进行了重建。