Abstract: The study gathers two reports on the war in Libya from The New York Times and China Daily , which uses Halliday’s meta-functional theory to analyze the two media reports of the war in Libya .The thesis utilizes the method of critical discourse analysis to find out the different hidden ideology in reports. It helps all readers set up the critical reading views. With the awareness of Critical Discourse Analysis, all of readers can avoid having the false values.
Key words: Critical Discourse Analysis; News Reports; The War in Libya;Ideology
摘要:文章以The New York Times 和China Daily中关于利比亚战争的报道为研究材料,从韩礼德的语言的元功能的角度出发对这两家媒体中关于利比亚战争报道进行批判性话语分析,从中剖析出其隐藏的意识形态。培养批判话语分析的意识,读者可以客观地看待新闻描述的事实,并且树立正确的价值情感观。