Abstract:The present paper carries out an analysis on the humorous effects of the dialogues in the Western sitcom Everybody Loves Raymond from the aspect of the cooperative principle promoted by Grice in pragmatics. The cooperative principle includes four maxims: quantity, quality, relation, and manner; each maxim has its specific details, which can be used to explain why and how some daily conversations can go on smoothly. However, sometimes, in some particular context these maxims are violated deliberately so that the speakers can fulfill their particular communicative purposes, for instance, to create a humorous effect. In the body of this paper, many different dialogues are analyzed within the domain of the above-mentioned maxims one by one with the purpose to probe how these maxims are violated in detail. With the specific analysis done, the findings show that one of the causes of the humorous effect of some dialogues in the English sitcoms, in a greater part, comes from the inharmonic situation in the sitcom, i.e. the deliberate violation of the maxims of the cooperative principle. The research result of this paper may be extended to the explanation of other materials of humorous language in the domain of the cooperative principle.
Key words: Cooperative principle, sitcom, violation of the Cooperative Principle