Abstract:Machine competition exists in the industrial period; meanwhile brand competition appears in the information period. The global competition has evolved from tangible market to intangible market, from local market occupation to the global-brand strategy. After the entrance into WTO, Chinese appliance enterprises are facing the revolution, changing from “made in China” to “China brand”, from cost-depended to talent advantages.
Haier, enjoying the reputation all over the world, plays a significant role in Chinese and global appliance market. How can Haier become world-known brand? According to the research and study on Haier, What should the Chinese appliance enterprises inspire and study?
In reference to the history of Haier’s global-brand strategy and the measures, this thesis discusses the “Three-in-one” glocalization and Haier’s core competency. On the global strategy of Haier and the SWOT analysis for the Chinese appliance enterprises, the discussion will be towards to the methods and path on our Chinese global-brand development so as to create the global-brand strategy belong to Chinese enterprises: core competency under the glocalization.
Key words: Global-brand strategy; three-in-one glocalization; core competency; Chinese appliance enterprise; intergate
本论文结合海尔全球化品牌战略的诞生历程和具体的实施方式, 论述海尔三位一体海外本土化经营模式和核心竞争力。在此基础上,分析中国家电企业的优势劣势机会和威胁,讨论我国家电企业全球化品牌发展模式和方向,创造 “海外本土化”核心竞争力的中国特色的全球品牌战略。