Abstract: This paper, focusing on the dramatic irony, tries to analyze Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet in terms of speech act theory, which has also been applied to literary works in recent years. This interpretation is done from the perspective of macro-speech acts (communication between the character in the play and the audience) and micro-speech acts (communication between the characters in the play) to explore the double context feature of dramatic irony and to understand the intention of the character in the play. And the investigation forcefully demonstrates that irony of various forms in a drama, just like irony in “ordinary language”, can also be properly described within the framework of speech act theory. Thus, it further proves the applicability of speech act theory to literary criticism. Also, like the irony in our daily life, dramatic irony can also be described in this framework.
Key words: speech acts; dramatic irony; macro-speech acts; micro-speech acts
摘要:本文以戏剧性反讽为重点, 用近年来运用于分析文学作品的言语行为理论来分析莎士比亚的悲剧《哈姆雷特》。从宏观言语行为(剧中人与观众的交流)和微观言语行为(戏剧人物之间的交流)两方面来探究具有双重语境的戏剧反讽和了解剧中人的意图。同时,力图证明戏剧中各种形式的反讽与“普通”语言中的反讽言语行为一样,均可在言语行为的理论框架中得到阐释,从而也进一步证明了言语行为理论应用于文学作品赏析的可行性。此外,和日常生活中的反讽一样,戏剧反讽也在言语行为理论框架中得到阐释。
关键词:言语行为;戏剧反讽;宏观言语行为; 微观言语行为