ABSTRACT:Corpus linguistics is a new subject developed with the help of computer development in the last several decade years. Corpus study has obtained amazing success, and many large scales of corpuses have been compiled with the efforts of experts and scholars. Its success has been applied in machine translation, translation teaching and training, translation appreciation and study, lexicography, vocabulary study and test compiling etc. This paper uses half-blown technique of former experts and scholars in corpus study to compile a simple English news titles corpus, and continues to analyze the features of English news titles with the help of corpus computer software, and then further explores the translating principles and translating techniques of English news titles.
Keywords:English news titles;features;translation principles;translation techniques
摘 要:语料库语言学是近几十年随着计算机的发展而兴起来的学科,语料库研究在国内外已经取得了喜人的成果,一个又一个数目巨大的语料库在专家学者的努力下,不断涌现出来,语料库语言学的研究成果,也已经在机器翻译、翻译教学和培训、翻译鉴赏和研究、词典编纂、词汇应用、试题编写方面逐步发挥了重要的作用,这篇论文正是借着前人研究语料库已经半成熟的经验技术,构建了一个简易的中英双语新闻标题语料库,并通过语料库研究工具来分析英语新闻标题的特点,在此基础上,进一步探讨英语新闻标题的翻译原则和翻译技巧。
关键词: 英语新闻标题; 特点; 翻译原则; 翻译技巧