ABSTRACT:Until 2009, it has been 30 years since China and America officially established diplomatic relation at ambassadorial level on January 1, 1979. With the development of internationalization of China, the political, economic and cultural exchanges between the two countries are more and more frequently. However, there are still many Chinese people who don’t know much about American culture. These make many Chinese people cannot communicate with Americans well. This thesis gives a brief analysis of the differences between Chinese culture and American culture through greetings. It makes a comparison of the appellations, body language and content of greetings in the two countries, and then analyzes the differences of greetings with cultures. The thesis gave some examples of daily life to show cultural differences, and they are helpful for people to deepen the understanding of cultural differences. The thesis also makes some suggestions for Chinese people to overcome the obstacles thrown by cultural differences between China and America.
Keywords: greetings; culture; differencese
摘 要: 自从1979年1月1日中美正式建交以来,到2009年已经有30年了。并且随着中国国际化的发展,中美两国在政治、经济、文化方面的交往日益频繁。然而还有很多中国人对美国文化知之甚少,导致他们不能和美国人进行很好的交流。这篇论文通过问候简要分析了中美文化的差异。它分别从问候的称谓、手势和内容对两国的问候做了比较,并把问候的差异和文化因素联系起来。文中列举了一些生活中的例子来表现中美文化的差异。文章还为中国人提供了一些建议以解决文化差异带来的困扰。