ABSTRACT:American basketball is the strongest. American NBA (National Basketball Association) is the most popular basketball game. But people don’t know CBA (Chinese Basketball Association). NBA’s performance and operation are stronger than those of CBA. Therefore, the thesis compares American NBA with Chinese CBA in schools, family and operation methods to find a suitable way for the development of Chinese CBA. It will let Chinese CBA catch up with American NBA one day. Chinese CBA is a new basketball game. There are lots of weak points in it. If CBA wants to be the most popular game, it should learn more from other’s experience, especially from new operation of American NBA. And Chinese CBA will be a world famous brand. Chinese CBA should face the world. Chinese basketball will get a great development. Chinese CBA will show a new image to the world. CBA will show its great charm to people. Undoubtedly, there will be a fierce competition between American NBA and Chinese CBA in the future.
Keywords: basketball; comparison; operation; development
摘 要:美国是世界上篮球最强的国家,美国的NBA也是世界上最受球迷欢迎的篮球赛事。而中国的CBA往往会被人们淡忘。美国的NBA无论是在观赏程度还是运营方式上都要比CBA强很多。因此,这篇论文从学校、家庭和运营方式等方面对美国的NBA和中国的CBA进行比较,从而找到一条适合中国CBA发展的道路。让中国的CBA能早日赶上美国的NBA发展脚步。中国的CBA是一个新兴的篮球赛事,因此,它在很多方面还存在着不足。CBA要想变成一项顶级的篮球赛事,就要不断的吸取别人的发展经验,特别是借鉴美国NBA先进的运作方式。中国的CBA将成为一个世界知名的品牌。中国的CBA要走向世界。到那时,中国的篮球事业将得到长足的发展,中国的CBA也将以一个全新的形象出现在世界人民的面前,它也即将展现它的魅力,并和美国的NBA一争长短。