Abstract:Metonymy is an important rhetorical device both in English and Chinese. Metonymy and synecdoche are not always clearly distinguishable. Both metonymy and synecdoche involve substitution of name. This paper discusses the relation between metonymy and synecdoche in the first part. The basic usages and implications confuse Chinese learners. The second part introduces the methods of their usage. The analyses and translation of metonymy and synecdoche are very helpful for cross-cultural communication. So the third part analyses metonymy and synecdoche form aspects of lexicology,linguistics morphology and pragmatic. The English metonymy and Chinese metonymy are very similar. The methods of translation can be literal translation or free translation according to concrete situations.
Key Words: metonymy; synecdoche; analyses; translation
中文摘要:转喻是英语和汉语中的一种重要的修辞格, 转喻和提喻总是难于区分,它们两者都涉及到名称的替代。本论文将在第一部分对转喻和提喻之间的关系进行论述。中国的学者对其基本用法及含义感到很困惑,论文第二部分将介绍转喻和提喻的用法,并对其进行正确的分析和翻译,以助于各国间的跨文化交流。论文在第三部分从词汇学、语言学、形态学及语用学等方面进行分析。转喻和提喻在中英文中的运用都十分相似,因此, 根据具体情况, 翻译的方法可采用直译或意译。
关键词:转喻; 提喻; 分析; 翻译