Abstract: Wuthering Heights, a novel of love and vengeance written by Emily Bronte, has long been one of the most extraordinary novels in the history of English literature. Heathcliff, the hero of the novel, is often regarded as an archetype of the tortured Romantic hero whose passions destroy both himself and those around him. Heathcliff is such a brave man that he can sacrifice everything and swallow all bitterness when confronting love. Once betrayed by love, he turns into a brutal devil and takes mad revenges on those who do harm to his love and dignity. At last, his humanity recovers inspired by the strong love of the next generation. The reasons why Heathcliff has such a multiple personality can be various. The root to his distorted character is the social hierarchy of his times. Then Hindley’s maltreatment and Catherine’s betrayal directly shaped his multiple personality. Heathcliff’s multiple personality makes him a rare person in literature, with components of both the hero and demon.
Key words: Wuthering Heights; Heathcliff; multiple personality.
摘要: 艾米莉·勃朗特的《呼啸山庄》是英国文学史上最杰出的小说之一,它讲述了一个关于爱情和复仇的故事。小说的男主人公希斯克里夫常被人们看成一个扭曲的浪漫主义英雄的原型,他耗尽所有的精力毁灭了自己和身边的人。面对爱情,希斯克利夫是个可以牺牲一切,承受一切痛苦的勇士;一旦被爱情背叛,他立刻化身成残暴的恶魔,疯狂地向破坏他爱情和伤害他自尊的人进行报复。然而最终下一代的爱情让他放弃了复仇,恢复了人性。造成希斯克利夫多重性格的原因也是复杂的。当时的社会等级制度是导致他形成扭曲性格的根本原因。辛德雷的虐待以及凯瑟琳的背叛催化了他的多重性格的形成。希斯克利夫的多重性格使他成为了文学史上一位罕见的恶魔和勇士的综合体。