Abstract: Speech act theory was originated with the British philosopher Austin and American philosopher Searle in the late 50s of the 20th century. Speech act theory consists of three components: locutionary act, illocutionary act and perlocutionary act. As a speech act, advertising slogans have more and more important influence on our life. An excellent slogan can arouse target consumers' interests, promote the popularity of product or service and make a better market reaction. This article analyses the meaning and characteristics of advertising slogans on the basis of this theory and states that the slogans which directed by speech act are more popular by enumerating examples.
Key words: speech act theory; advertising slogans; locutionary act; illocutionary act; perlocutionary act
关键词:言语行为理论; 广告标语;言内行为;言外行为;言后行为