Abstract:This paper aims to analyze how abnormal and deformed maternity injure the people . It points out that D.H. Lawrence, together with his works, especially Sons and Lovers, is a specific evidence of the Oedipus complex. By the depiction of wars between the Mrs. Morel and the lovers of her son Paul, the abnormal love of the mother and the son, the ambivalence and the tragedy of the dramatis people, this novel demonstrates how abnormal and deformed maternity injure both body and mind of people. It implies that how the capitalist industrialization destroys human nature and distorts the harmonious relationship between people.
Key Words:Oedipus complex; Sons and Lovers; abnormal and deformed maternity
摘 要: 本文旨在分析畸形变态的母爱对人的影响。文章首先阐述了恋母情结的来源和恋母情结的理解,指出20世纪英国作家劳伦斯及其作品,尤其是《儿子与情人》,便是“恋母情结”的有力佐证,并从劳伦斯的生平和这部作品中找出事实与证据,本论文通过描述作品中由恋母情结所引发的战争,主人公莫瑞尔夫人和儿子保罗之间的心理依赖和畸恋,作品主人公的矛盾心理及主人公的悲剧来揭示恋母情结对人身心的伤害。进一步揭示资本主义工业化是如何摧残人的自然本性,扭曲了人与人之间的和谐关系。