Abstract: English and Chinese are two different languages, and each language has its own separate and distinct systems in grammar and patterns. However, there do exist some similarities between Chinese and English. Therefore, it is particularly important to grasp literal translation and free translation well in fiction translation. Literal translation is used when the text of the source language permits. In literal translation, we should not only keep the original meaning but also the original patterns of the text according to the features of both languages, so as to maximize the retention of the original information. Free translation, is used when there do exist big differences between two languages and we cannot translate from literal meaning. Under the comprehension of the original works, we can ignore the structure of the source language in order to make the translation understood in Chinese. Fiction translation, aims at expressing the source language vividly. Literal translation and free translation are two indispensable factors in fiction translation. While it is difficult to decide when to use literal translation or free translation and how to combine literal translation and free translation, we need to make the translation perfect. This article attempts to take the translation of Jane Eyre as a good example to help us have a better understanding of literal translation and free translation. Only by using the perfect combination of the literal translation and free translation, can we successfully translate a wonderful fiction into Chinese.
Key words: Literal Translation Free Translation Jane Eyre
摘要: 英语和汉语是两种不同的语言 ,每种语言都有各自独立和分明的系统 ,在形态和语法方面二者存在很大差异。然而 ,两种语言之间又存在一些相似性,因此在小说翻译中如何准确把握直译和意译就显得尤为重要。所谓直译就是在译文语言条件许可时,在译文中既保持原文的内容,又保持原文的形式。它可以根据来源语和目的语的特点,最大限度地保留原文的信息。所谓意译,就是当两种语言存在较大差别,无法直接从字面意思上翻译时,在忠实原文内容的前提下,摆脱原文语言结构的束缚,使译文符合汉语的规范。小说翻译,旨在准确、传神地表达出原文意思和人物心理、感情。直译和意译是小说翻译中不可或缺的两个因素,难点在于,如何准确把握直译和意译的应用场景,做到将直译和意译结合,使译文达到完美。本文将以《简爱》的译本为例子着重阐述直译与意译在本部小说里的运用,旨在证明只有将直译与意译的结合运用才能翻译出一部成功的作品。
关键词:直译 意译 《简爱》