Abstract:Color is very close to people’s life. It is an important tool for people to understand the world. Color not only has physical attributes, but also has rich cultural connotations and extended meanings. Color words are abundant in both English and Chinese for each nation has different characteristics and show their characteristics and outstanding cultures. If we are sure of the differences, we would make mistakes when we communicate with each other. This paper which is arranged in 6 parts mainly studies the cultural differences of “white” and how to deal with them in translation, so that communication can be improved between English and Chinese nations in written and oral English. Those parts include: first, the theory of this theme and the meaning of this study, second, the analysis of the cultural connotation of "white" in English and Chinese, third, the causes for their differences, then compare the cultural differences of the two languages and bring out some effective advises to translate between them, fifth, study the latest slangs and the meaning of them, then finally come to the conclusion, the importance and necessity are stressed on to study the theme.
Key words: “white”; cultural connotations; cultural differences; translation; latest slangs; communication
中文摘要:色彩与人类的生活息息相关,是人类认识世界的一个重要领域。色彩不仅具有物理属性,还有着丰富的文化内涵和延伸意义。在英汉语言中, 颜色词体现各民族独特的“个性”,带有显著的文化烙印。若没弄清楚这种差异往往很容易导致人们理解的错误。本文旨在探析“白色”在英汉语言中的文化差异及翻译,力图更好的促进英汉民族之间的文化交流。全文采用总-分-总的方式进行讨论。首先总括这一课题的理论依据和实践意义;接着分析“白色”在英汉民族中的文化内涵和两个民族差异的原因;然后对其在英汉语言中的文化差异进行了对比之后提出“白色”的英汉互译技巧和提高翻译水平的有效建议;然后探索关于“白色”的最新俚语和用法;最后总结,强调研究此课题的重要性和必要性。