ABSTRACT:This study has focused on testing the quality of the nine years' Chongqing- characteristic multiple-choice items. It has studied from three aspects which are distribution of test site, key point to be tested, and design of test items. The results show that, the distribution of test site is wide, the contents on key point to be tested is reasonable and it closely associated with student’s daily learning and life. For design of the test papers, most of them are single test site, only few has more than one. The design of root items and options is closely to daily life. At the same time, they have strongly applicable, communicative characteristics. At last,this study will try to put forward some piece of ideas for design the NMET test papers and advice for high school teaching and studying.
Key words: Multiple-choice item College Entrance Examine English Test
摘要:单项选择题是高考英语必考题型,因为它具有信度高,覆盖面广,抽样量大的特点,能够检查学生英语基础知识的掌握情况。本文以2004年—2012年重庆市高考英语自主命题卷单项选择试题为研究对象,从试题的考点分布、考查重点和试题设计三个方面进行了历时分析与研究。结果表明,在考点分布上,考点涉及范围比较广,对基础知识比较重视,重点比较突出;在考查重点方面上, 考查的内容合理,与学生平时所学和生活紧密相联系;在试题设计上以单个考点为主,多考点为辅。试题的题干与选项比较贴近生活,更加的生活化,适用性,交际性较强。针对研究发现,文章提出几点建议,以期为单项选择试题和今后的高中英语教学提供一些启示与建议。
关键词:单项选择题 高考英语 自主命题