ABSTRACT:The globalization and rapid economic development in China have greatly promoted the social needs for business English. In order to meet the market needs, in recent years, most of the country’s colleges offer business English courses to students. Therefore, how to design university-based courses has become one of the hotspots. In practice,designing course on the basis of Needs Analysis has been the mainstream, for it can have a good grip of learners’ learning needs and market needs, which guides course design greatly. In order to optimize our course design, questionnaire, data analysis and interview are employed in this paper to explore the relationship between employment trends of graduates and course design of English major of CQUST, through which deficiencies in today’s designation of business English courses are found out that learners’ and social needs as well as teaching objectives for all-sided students haven’t been met. On the basis of Needs Analysis, effective approaches have been put forward: 1. Attach more importance to general education 2. Select comprehensive teaching materials. 3. Adjust the distribution of class hour between theory and practice. 4. The course design should follow systemic rule.
Key words: Business English Course Design Needs Analysis
摘要:经济全球化以及中国经济的快速发展扩大了社会对商务英语的需求.为了满足市场需求, 近年来,国内大多数的高校都开设了商务英语课程. 因此如何根据各校实际情况设置具有特色的课程成为当前研究的热点问题之一。在具体实施中,以需求分析为基础的课程设置是主要实践方式之一,因其能很好地把握学生的学习需求和市场需求,从而对课程的设置起到了很好的指导作用。为优化我校商务英语课程设置,本文采用毕业生问卷调查,数据分析和访谈的方式,探求我校英语专业毕业生的就业情况与课程设置之间的关系。研究发现目前商务英语课程的设置未能满足学习者和市场的需求,以及未能体现教学目标。在需求分析理论的指导下,向我校商务英语的课程设置提出如下建议。1.重视通识教育2. 选用综合性教材。3. 调整理论与实践教学的课时分配。4. 课程设计应遵循系统性原则。
关键词:商务英语 课程设置 需求分析