ABSTRACT:Advertising is ubiquitous in modern commercialized society. Persuading people to take purchasing action is the ultimate aim of the advertising, and the AIDMA Law meets the very needs. The application of rhetorical devices in the English commercial advertising can make people to be attracted, urged and imaged because of the perfect use in the rhyme, forms and meanings. That is, there is a close relation between rhetorical devices and the AIDMA Theory in the English commercial ads. Many researchers have made studies on the rhetorical devices of the ads or on the AIDMA Theory from kinds of perspectives. This thesis focuses on the relevance of rhetorical devices and the AIDMA Theory, and tries to find the feasible methods of realizing the AIDMA Theory, attempts to reach the goal of the practical application of figures of speech and the AIDMA Theory in advertisements which will help reader better understand advertisements and provide insights into the effect of ads for the writer.
Key words: English Commercial Ads Rhetorical Devices AIDMA Theory
摘要:在当今的商业社会中,广告无处不在。广告的目的是说服顾客进行购买,著名的AIDMA理论正是很好地贴合了这种需求。英文商业广告中修辞手法的运用,从音形义三方面对读者造成强烈的心理反差,达到加深印象、便于记忆的目的。这恰好体现了在英文商业广告领域中修辞手法和AIDMA广告领域之间的密切联系。许多学者从各种角度对广告修辞或者AIDMA 广告理论做了研究,而本文则是从广告修辞手法和AIDMA理论的关联性出发,尝试从该角度找出AIDMA广告理论实现的可行性方法,试图达到修辞格和AIDMA广告理论在商业广告中有效使用的目标,从而帮助受众更好的理解和使用广告,同时也能为广告创作者提供一些有益的参考。
关键词:英文商业广告 修辞手法 AIDMA广告理论