ABSTRACT:In the long development of human history, the Olympic Games can be regarded as one of the oldest social and cultural phenomenon. In order to promote the Olympic spirit, the host city will put forward a brief and strong slogan according to their own ideas. The Olympic theme slogans are highly generalized and embodied concentratively for the previous games.
Translation is one of the most influenced fields by Relevance Theory. Relevance Theory is not a translation theory, but it can explain translation activity. According to this theory, translation is a kind of communication action, in which the translator tries to accurately convey the author’s intention to target addressee’s expectation. So the process of translation is to find “optimal relevance”. This paper attempts to analyze the Chinese translation of Olympic slogans from the perspectives of semantic relevance, associative relevance and cultural relevance, and also make comments on deficient translation. The purpose of this paper is to use the distinctive translation skills of Olympic slogans to guide translation practice or teaching and promote the Olympic spirit.
Key words: Olympic Slogans Relevance Theory Relevance and translation
关键词:奥运口号 关联理论 关联翻译应用