Abstract:Iliad is among the oldest extant works of Western literature, and it is also one of the most important works. It is universally praised by readers and critics. Concerning the analysis of the image of Achilles in this masterpiece, many previous studies have pointed out Achilles is a perfect example of individual heroism. Some of them even think what he does and how he behaves are selfish and individualistic, and criticize him. But the author of this thesis strongly argues that it is unfair for Achilles, and is resolved to appeal for him. He was a real hero that could even devote himself to his country. This thesis lists a variety of reasons that lead to Achilles's individual heroism, and his patriotic actions on battlefield and then shows how Achilles sublimates from individual heroism to patriotism.
It is the hope of the author that the present study will bring some new light to the interpretation of the analysis of the image of Achilles.
Key Words: Iliad;Achilles;individual heroism;patriotism
摘要:《伊里亚特》是西方文学现存最悠久的作品, 而且是文学界经典著作之一。并且受到了读者和评论界的好评。
关键词:《伊里亚特》; 阿喀琉斯;个人英雄主义;爱国主义
In this dissertation, the author initiates a close-reading of Iliad, under the analysis of the image of Achilles. There are some weaknesses in his character, like hot-tempered, stubborn, and selfish. Some behaviors show he has possessed individual heroism, but where there are these behaviors, there are reasons. Achilles is being slighted and insulted by Agamemnon. That means he loses his glory. The concept of honour in the Homeric Times was about the realization of personal values, which mean the trends of individual heroism. Honor and glory were the most important things for the ancient Greeks, because social status was not fixed.
Indeed, Achilles is a real patriotic hero, who devotes his life not just for himself, but for others and the country. He gradually realized that the individualistic to the extreme could not bring more boon to Greek, so much so that it would cause more serious consequence. That became the turning point in the epic. His spirit of patriotism is a shattering reminder of those reasons for fighting that he seemed to forget in his obsession with Agamemnon's faults and the insufficiency of honor, then he returned to battle. Sacrificing his life for a just cause in the pursuit of individual values had successfully sublimated from individual heroism to patriotism.