关键词:音乐; 少儿英语教学; 语言
Chapter One Introduction-
1.1 The background of the research-1
1.2 The significance and purpose-1
Chapter two Literature Review-3
2.1 Theoretical research status on music in children’s English education-3
2.1.1 Multiple intelligence theory-3
2.1.2 Second language acquisition theory-3
2.2 Applied research status on music in children’s English education-3
2.2.1 Research status in China-4
2.2.2 Research status abroad-4
Chapter Three The Principles of Using Music on Children’s English Teaching-5
3.1 To follow the principle of purpose-5
3.2 To follow the principle of flexibility-5
3.3 To follow the principle of culture transmission-5
3.4 To follow the principle of emotion-6
3.5 To follow the principle of aesthetic-6
Chapter Four Music Forms on Children’s English Teaching in Class-7
4.1 Music used as teaching background music-7
4.1.1Background music used for review and memory-7
4.1.2 Background music used to smooth emotion-7
4.2 Music used as language knowledge materials-7
4.2.1 English songs used in vocabulary, sentence pattern and grammar learning-8
4.2.2 English songs used in pronunciation and listening-8
4.3 English songs used in classroom’s extending teaching-9
Chapter Five Conclusion-10