关键词:适应 选择 戴乃迭 翻译生态环境 《爱是不能忘记的》
On Glady’s Translation of Love Can Never Be Forgotten——from the Perspective of the Adaptation and Selection Theory
Since the 1970s, culture orientation in translation studies diverted theoreticians’ attention to translator. In 2004, Hu Gengshen introduced Darwin’s concepts of “adaptation/selection” into translation studies and put forward the Adaptation and Selection theory, attempting to establish a translator-centered translational eco-environment. According to Hu’s theory, translator is the most crucial factor in translating. Domestic scholars have analyzed the translation decisions of some Chinese translators with the help of Adaptation and Selection. However, it has rarely been used to study translation decisions of foreign translators translating Chinese works. This is such a research. As a British translator, Gladys Yang is one of the few earliest contemporary C-E translators. There were quite many expositions on her translation at home and abroad. This research explored in one of her few independent versions of Love Can Never Be Forgotten. With her personal experience and double cultural identity as focuses, the author of this paper found that, on the basis of a thorough understanding of the original text, Gladys made adaptive selections on linguistic, cultural and communicative dimensions and employed such translation methods as domestication and foregnization and so on according to her specific needs, competence and adaptation to translational eco-environment. The author hopes that this paper will contribute to further development of the study of translator’s subjectivity in literary translation and at the same time, it can verify the feasibility of Translation as Adaptation and Selection and its explanatory power of translation activities.
Key Words: Adaptation; Selection; Gladys Yang; Translational eco-environment; Love Can Never Be Forgotten