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  • 更新时间:2013-12-09
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ABSTRACT:Life of Pi was one of the most favorable movie around the world that is directed by the famous Chinese Ang Lee which mainly tells a story the relationship between a tiger and the hero named Pi after a ship wreckage in a single boat without nourishment and bought him back to the winner of Oscar again. The film seeks to explore the humanity when our life is endangered. Maslow once stated that all our needs cab be classified into five levels and the basic needs are concerned with our physiological needs. To survive is our nature and also the manifesto of our collective unconsciousness. This film has its deeply implied meanings which can be figured out by the two stories told by the hero. The boy and the tiger are the two aspects of our human--humanity and barbarity. In order to seek the relationship between humanity and barbarity, the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs are referred.

Key words:  Humanity and Barbarity  Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs  Collective Unconsciousness



关键词:人性和兽性 马斯洛需求层次理论 集体无意识


