Abstract:Uncle Tom’s Cabin, since its publication in the nineteenth century, had been widely discussed and still is a subject that heats debates in many aspects. This paper focuses on the subject of race, what the author thinks of race and what is revealed through the prototype of Uncle Tom, the slave.
The first part is a brief introduction to Uncle Tom’s Cabin, including the publication of it, the background of the author and a literature review of this novel. Part Tow deals with race problems that go with this novel. At first, it introduced the main characteristics of Uncle Tomhe is humble spirit creates connection to Jesus, but this kind of humility is an attribute that is not likely to have ever existed. Sacrifice finds itself not a weakness, but rather a strength and a power because Tom did it out from his own will. Uncle Tom has often been criticized as too obedientas weakly submissive, instead of forcibly resisting slavery's oppression. Fredrickson coined the term "romantic racialism" for the manifestation in the mid-nineteenth century that provided the vocabulary for articulating the representation of race in the novel, as well as providing insights into more personal views. At the same time, it gave a clearly definition of race and racism, also illustrated the issue between black and white race. Part Three is a discussion of slavery and religion that goes hand in hand with race problems. Americans not willing to see blacks holding the same social status as themselves turned to the Bible for help. According to some pro-slavery Christians, slavery finds itself acceptable to God. Some discussion of how race interacted with slavery is put in the part. In the end, as the conclusion of the paper, the final part summarizes the main debates in the context, and the great influences of this novel in other country around the world.
Key words: race; slavery; racialism; Uncle Tom; religion
论文第一部分主要介绍《汤姆叔叔的小屋》、 这本书的出版、作者的身世背景,以及前人所做的文献回顾综述。第二部分主要是随小说产生的种族问题的讨论。首先介绍了小说中作者赋予汤姆叔叔的主要品质——汤姆的谦卑犹如耶稣一般,但是他的这种谦卑似乎不存在于现实世界,奉献精神在汤姆的身上并不是一种弱点,相反它是一种强大与力量,因为汤姆完全是出于自愿而不是被迫这么做的。同时介绍了种族与种族主义的明确定义,并阐释黑人与白人间的平等问题。第三部分主要探讨与种族问题同时存在的奴隶制以及宗教问题的关系。那些不想看到黑人与自己同等地位的美国基督徒向《圣经》寻求帮助。他们证实奴隶制对于上帝来讲是可以接受的。同时加入了一些种族与奴隶制关系的文字。文章的结语部分概括了文章的主要争论点,以及这部小说在其他国家所产生的巨大影响力。
关键词:种族; 种族主义;汤姆叔叔; 奴隶制;宗教