Abstract:The total world reserves of vanadium-titanium magnetite 200 × 108 tons of reserves are areas of Sichuan, Panzhihua 100 × 108 tons, while reserves in Panzhihua V-Ti magnetite reserves of TiO2 in the 13 × 108 tons, the country's total reserves of titanium 95%. To 2009, Panzhihua Iron and Steel blast furnace 5 year produce 360 million tons of titanium slag. The research paper is a full analysis of titanium slag composition and structural features based on the use of titanium slag by acid leaching treatment, acid leaching treatment liquid obtained by leaching of acid organic wastewater treatment solution on the flocculation processing experimental testing, to find a reasonable blast furnace slag containing acid leaching treatment process. The "utilization", the idea of looking for a titanium slag utilization of reasonable and effective way to achieve the titanium slag resource utilization purposes.
Key words:titaniferous blast-furnace slag, flocculant, utilization
高炉渣是冶炼生铁时从高炉中排出的副产品。在冶炼生铁时,加入高炉的原料,除了铁矿石和燃料(焦碳)外,还需要加入相当数量的石灰石和白云石作为助熔剂。当炉温达到1400~1600℃时,助熔剂与铁矿石发生高温反应生成生铁和渣。高炉渣就是由脉石、灰分,助熔剂和其他不能进入生铁中的杂质所组成的易熔物质。从化学成分看,高炉渣是属于硅酸盐质材料。每生产l t生铁时高炉渣的排放量随着矿石品位和冶炼方法的不同而变化,大约每吨生铁生产出0.3~1.2 t高炉渣。随着我国钢铁工业的发展,高炉渣的排放量日益增大。
高炉渣是冶炼生铁时产生的废渣,也是冶金行业产生数量最多的一种废渣。目前, 我国渣场积存的高炉渣已超过1亿t,利用率为70%~ 85%,而日本、德国很多国家已做到了99%~ 100%的利用率。冶金企业每年由于弃渣耗用的资源就高达上千万元,成为困扰企业发展和社会环境治理的一大问题。