A2O微曝氧化沟工艺在东莞塘厦镇石桥头污水处理厂的工程应用研究,体现了该工艺的技术优点,比表曝氧化沟占地面积减少了25%一50%,运行费用低20%以上,其曝气设备能耗至少降低了30%。该工程的主要工艺参数为:厌氧段的水力停留时间1.67小时,缺氧段为2.67小时,好氧段8.15小时,污泥100%回流,污泥负荷为0.098KgBOD5/Kg MLSS·d,在进水指标低于设计指标,碳源不足的情况下,出水的各项指标优于国家城镇污水处理厂标准,BOD5去除率80%以上、脱氮效率达70%以上,除磷率达50%以上,处理每甜污水工艺耗电为0.151度,出水水质指标优于国家的城镇污水处理厂排放标准。
关键词:城市污水 微曝氧化沟 微孔曝气 A2O工艺 生物脱氮除磷
Abstract:As the situation of water pollution getting serious in China, the municipal sewage has become the major source that caused water pollution. To have better conservation to the aquatic environment,the key solution is to look for a new sewage treatment technology that is suitable for China’s issue.Among the sewage treatment technology, oxidation ditch is widely concerned for not only good at the removal of organic pollutants,but also has good effects in N-P removal and has stable operation conditions.Based on the ordinary oxidation ditch process,with the addition of blast micro-porous aeration method and flow promoted by underwater scooter, the A2O micro-porous aeration oxidation ditch has overcome the major disadvantages of traditional oxidation ditches,which are the issues of large occupancy area, sludge silt up in ditches and high energy consumption.By reducing energy consumption and standing smaller area the micro-porous aeration oxidation ditch process is more competitive in the aspects of economy and also shows advantage in easy to operate and manage,higher treatment efficiency and stable in biological N-P removal.
The application research of A2O micro-porous aeration oxidation ditch process in Shitouqiao Sewage Plant,Dong guan,showed the technical advantages of this process,the occupancy area can be reduced about 25%~50% than surface aerator oxidation ditch and energy consumption lower than surface aerator oxidation ditch over 20%.The major technical data of the project are:hydraulic residence time is 1.67 hours in anaerobic section and 8.15 hours in the aerobic section;sludge re-circulated 100%,with a load of 0.098KgBOD5/Kg MLSS·d.Even when inflow index lower than designed index with also insufficient carbon source, the indexes of discharge are still better than the National Standards for Sewage Plant of Towns.The removal rate of BOD is over 80%,denitrify is over 70%,and rate of phosphorus removal is over 50%;electricity consumption of sewage treatment is 0.151kwh/m3,quality of discharges are better than the National Standards for Sewage Plant of Towns.
The engineering application of A2O micro-porous aeration oxidation ditch in the phosphorus removal and denitrify of municipal sewage is a success.With the advantages of high treatment efficiency, stable quality of discharges,low energy consumption and limit occupancy area, A2O micro-porous aeration oxidation ditch process is becoming a promising technology for municipal sewage treatment.
Key words:municipal sewage micro-porous aeration oxidation ditch
Micro-porous aeration A2O process biological phosphorus and nitrogen removal