关键词:设施栽培蔬菜 氮肥用量 微生物功能多样性
Abstract:We investigated soil physi-chemical properties and microbial functional diversity under different nitrogen fertilization in a greenhouse-based intensive vegetable production system in Yixing County, Jiangsu Province. Results showed that the soils were neutral or acidic with PH from 4.99 to 7.20. Nitrogen fertilization rates have significant effects on soil EC and pH. Soil EC was generally increased whilst soil pH was significantly decreased with increase of nitrogen fertilization rates. Soil hydrolyzable nitrogen and total nitrogen contents were signigicantly higher under conventional nitrogen fertilization rate than any other treatment. In contrast, different nitrogen fertilization has little effect on soil total organic carbon. AWCD and the three diversity indices (Shannon index, Simpson index, McIntosh index) were generally decreased with increase of N fertilization rate. These microbial parameters were significantly lower under conventional nitrogen fertilization rate and 80% of conventional nitrogen fertilization rate than under any other treatment. However, 60% of conventional nitrogen fertilization rate did not decrease these microbial parameters significantly.
Keywords:polytunnel greenhouse vegetable soil; nitrogen fertilization rate; microbial functional diversity.