关键词:战略环境影响评价 比较 对策
Since the foundation of the SEA in China, some laws and regulations like <Law of the People’s Republic of China on Environmental Impact Assessment>and<Regulations of Environmental Assessment on Planning>had been released and carried out, the SEA of our country has been improving. The SEA overcame the shortcomings of traditional environmental assessment on construction projects, which provides systematic warranty for the sustainable development of the economy and society of our country from the strategic perspective. There’s no denying that the present SEA in China has some flaws, both in the systematic perspective and in the practice perspective. This article intends to make an overall assessment on the SEA of China nowadays, and point out the perspectives that need improving, finally tries to make some suggestions in order to make my own contributions on the SEA in China. The body of this article is divided into six chapters. Chapter One generally introduces the concepts, characteristics and goals of the SEA; Chapter Two makes a summary of the present situation of the SEA in China; Chapter Three studies the focus of SEA in China nowadays; Chapter Four studies the SEA of different countries; Chapter Five lists the shortcomings of the SEA in China; Chapter Six, according to the previous discussion, makes relative suggestions.
Key Words:SEA compare suggestions