摘 要:随着我国科学技术的发展和人民生活水平的提高,大量新型建筑和装饰材料、日用化学品、家用电器等进入住宅和公共建筑物,使室内环境污染物的来源和种类日益增多,造室内空气污染日趋突出。随着人们认识的深化和技术措施的进步,如何正确评价和控制IAQ,特别是IAQ对人体健康影响的研究,正在逐步取得进展。
关键词:室内污染物 空气质量 检测 评价
Abstract:With the development of science and technology in China and the improvement of people's living standards, a large number of new building and decoration materials, daily chemicals, household appliances into residential and public buildings, the sources and types of indoor environment pollution is increasing, make indoor air pollution is becoming more and more prominent. With the deepening of the awareness and technical measures of progress, how to correctly evaluate and control of IAQ, especially the effect of IAQ on human health, gradual progress.
In order to fully understand the indoor air quality, indoor pollution sources and the degree of understanding of the hazard to human health, and to develop targeted practical prevention and control measures, the need for detection and evaluation of indoor pollutants.
Key words :Indoor pollutants Air quality Testing Evaluation